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Important update:
Screens & parts, including orders, may be delayed due to our supplier's. Please understand that we may have delayed orders, parts, and/or out-of-stock items. We apologize for the inconvenience that this causes.

Why pay $299+ for a phone repair when it can be as low as $29 with AKKO & Covers up to 25 personal items.*

Scroll down or click a tab to get more info!

Pelican Preferred.png

Most cases come with LIFETIME WARRANTY. Best-in-class protection.


The brand of PREMIUM QUALITY headphones. Try their wireless headphone line. It’s worth it.


Built for the toughest jobs. There to protect when its needed most.


Tough cases with military standards. Go-to protection for all phones.


Most cases come with LIFETIME WARRANTY with unique styles & colors.

We work hard for you.

We offer repair services for mobile devices. From phone and tablets, we replace the screen (whole LCD and glass assembly on phones), batteries, charger ports, and more!

All of these services have same-day turnarounds. The average turnaround is 1-2 hours (most cases within 20-30 minutes) depending on the device being serviced.

We strive to provide the best services and with our excellent customer service to our customers. Give us a go the next time you have a phone emergency. We will do what we can to repair and aid the situation, including our loaner phone service. We allow customers to have a back up phone until we can fix the device.


Fort Campbell's Main Exchange (PX):

LOCATION HAS MOVED: 208 Segler Dr, Oak Grove, KY

Call (270) 632-0055


Oak Grove - Inside Respawn Coffee Company

208 Segler Dr, Oak Grove, KY 42262

(270) 632-0055

Store Hours

Monday-Sunday: 1000-1700


*25 personal items are subject to AKKO’s item policy. Not all personal items are eligible for coverage. Please visit the FAQ section for detail.